
Source code for mmflow.datasets.flyingthings3d_subset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os
import os.path as osp
import re
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union

from .base_dataset import BaseDataset
from .builder import DATASETS

# these files contain nan, so exclude them.
exclude_files = dict(

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class FlyingThings3DSubset(BaseDataset): """FlyingThings3D subset dataset. Args: direction (str): Direction of flow, has 4 options 'forward', 'backward', 'bidirection', and ['forward', 'backward']. Default: ['forward', 'backward']. scene (list, str, optional): Scene in Flyingthings3D dataset, if scene is None, it means collecting data in all of scene of Flyingthing3D dataset. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, *args, direction: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = ['forward', 'backward'], scene: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, **kwargs) -> None: assert direction in ('forward', 'backward', 'bidirection') or direction == [ 'forward', 'backward' ] self.direction = direction self.scene = scene super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_data_dir(self): """Get the paths for images and optical flow.""" self.flow_fw_dir = 'into_future' self.flow_bw_dir = 'into_past' self.flow_suffix = '.flo' self.occ_suffix = '.png' self.img1_suffix = '.png' self.img2_suffix = '.png' self.subset_dir = 'val' if self.test_mode else 'train' self.data_root = osp.join(self.data_root, self.subset_dir) img_root = osp.join(self.data_root, 'image_clean') flow_root = osp.join(self.data_root, 'flow') occ_root = osp.join(self.data_root, 'flow_occlusions') all_scene = os.listdir(img_root) if self.scene is not None: self.scene = self.scene if isinstance(self.scene, (tuple, list)) else [self.scene] assert set(self.scene).issubset(set(all_scene)) else: self.scene = all_scene self.img1_dir = [osp.join(img_root, s) for s in self.scene] self.img2_dir = [osp.join(img_root, s) for s in self.scene] self.flow_dir = [osp.join(flow_root, s) for s in self.scene] self.occ_dir = [osp.join(occ_root, s) for s in self.scene] self.flow_fw_dir = [osp.join(d, 'into_future') for d in self.flow_dir] self.flow_bw_dir = [osp.join(d, 'into_past') for d in self.flow_dir] self.occ_fw_dir = [osp.join(d, 'into_future') for d in self.occ_dir] self.occ_bw_dir = [osp.join(d, 'into_past') for d in self.occ_dir]
[docs] def load_data_info(self) -> None: """Load data information, including file path of image1, image2 and optical flow.""" self._get_data_dir() img1_filenames = [] img2_filenames = [] flow_fw_filenames = [] flow_bw_filenames = [] tmp_flow_fw_filenames = [] tmp_flow_bw_filenames = [] occ_fw_filenames = [] occ_bw_filenames = [] for _flow_fw_dir, _flow_bw_dir in zip(self.flow_fw_dir, self.flow_bw_dir): scene = _flow_fw_dir.split(os.sep)[-2] exc_key_fw = scene + '_into_future' exc_key_bw = scene + '_into_past' flow_fw_filenames_ = self.get_data_filename( _flow_fw_dir, None, exclude_files[exc_key_fw]) flow_bw_filenames_ = self.get_data_filename( _flow_bw_dir, None, exclude_files[exc_key_bw]) tmp_flow_fw_filenames += flow_fw_filenames_ tmp_flow_bw_filenames += flow_bw_filenames_ for ii in range(len(tmp_flow_fw_filenames)): flo_fw = tmp_flow_fw_filenames[ii] img1, img2, occ_fw, occ_bw, flo_bw = self._revise_dir(flo_fw) if (not (flo_bw in tmp_flow_bw_filenames) or not osp.isfile(img1) or not osp.isfile(img2) or not osp.isfile(occ_fw) or not osp.isfile(occ_bw)): continue img1_filenames.append(img1) img2_filenames.append(img2) flow_fw_filenames.append(flo_fw) flow_bw_filenames.append(flo_bw) occ_fw_filenames.append(occ_fw) occ_bw_filenames.append(occ_bw) if self.direction == 'forward': self.load_img_info(self.data_infos, img1_filenames, img2_filenames) self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, flow_fw_filenames, 'filename_flow') self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, occ_fw_filenames, 'filename_occ') elif self.direction == 'backward': self.load_img_info(self.data_infos, img2_filenames, img1_filenames) self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, flow_bw_filenames, 'filename_flow') self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, occ_bw_filenames, 'filename_occ') elif self.direction == 'bidirection': self.load_img_info(self.data_infos, img1_filenames, img2_filenames) self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, flow_fw_filenames, 'filename_flow_fw') self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, occ_fw_filenames, 'filename_occ_fw') self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, flow_bw_filenames, 'filename_flow_bw') self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, occ_bw_filenames, 'filename_occ_bw') else: self.load_img_info(self.data_infos, img1_filenames + img2_filenames, img2_filenames + img1_filenames) self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, flow_fw_filenames + flow_bw_filenames, 'filename_flow') self.load_ann_info(self.data_infos, occ_fw_filenames + occ_bw_filenames, 'filename_occ')
def _revise_dir(self, flow_fw_filename) -> Sequence[str]: """Revise directory of optical flow to get the directories of image and occlusion mask. Args: flow_fw_filename (str): abstract file path of optical flow from image1 to image2. Returns: Sequence[str]: abstract paths of image1, image2, forward occlusion mask, backward occlusion mask and backward optical flow. """ idx_f = int(osp.splitext(osp.basename(flow_fw_filename))[0]) img1_filename = flow_fw_filename.replace( f'{os.sep}flow{os.sep}', f'{os.sep}image_clean{os.sep}') img1_filename = img1_filename.replace(f'{os.sep}into_future{os.sep}', f'{os.sep}') img1_filename = img1_filename.replace(self.flow_suffix, self.img1_suffix) img2_filename = re.sub(r'\d{7}', f'{idx_f+1:07d}', img1_filename) flow_bw_filename = flow_fw_filename.replace( f'{os.sep}into_future{os.sep}', f'{os.sep}into_past{os.sep}') flow_bw_filename = re.sub(r'\d{7}', f'{idx_f+1:07d}', flow_bw_filename) occ_fw_filename = flow_fw_filename.replace( f'{os.sep}flow{os.sep}', f'{os.sep}flow_occlusions{os.sep}') occ_fw_filename = occ_fw_filename.replace(self.flow_suffix, self.occ_suffix) occ_bw_filename = flow_bw_filename.replace( f'{os.sep}flow{os.sep}', f'{os.sep}flow_occlusions{os.sep}') occ_bw_filename = occ_bw_filename.replace(self.flow_suffix, self.occ_suffix) return (img1_filename, img2_filename, occ_fw_filename, occ_bw_filename, flow_bw_filename)
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