
Source code for mmflow.core.evaluation.metrics

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import logging
from typing import Dict, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np

Logger = logging.Logger

[docs]def end_point_error_map(flow_pred: np.ndarray, flow_gt: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate end point error map. Args: flow_pred (ndarray): The predicted optical flow with the shape (H, W, 2). flow_gt (ndarray): The ground truth of optical flow with the shape (H, W, 2). Returns: ndarray: End point error map with the shape (H , W). """ return np.sqrt(np.sum((flow_pred - flow_gt)**2, axis=-1))
[docs]def end_point_error(flow_pred: Sequence[np.ndarray], flow_gt: Sequence[np.ndarray], valid_gt: Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> float: """Calculate end point errors between prediction and ground truth. Args: flow_pred (list): output list of flow map from flow_estimator shape(H, W, 2). flow_gt (list): ground truth list of flow map shape(H, W, 2). valid_gt (list): the list of valid mask for ground truth with the shape (H, W). Returns: float: end point error for output. """ epe_list = [] assert len(flow_pred) == len(flow_gt) for _flow_pred, _flow_gt, _valid_gt in zip(flow_pred, flow_gt, valid_gt): epe_map = end_point_error_map(_flow_pred, _flow_gt) val = _valid_gt.reshape(-1) >= 0.5 epe_list.append(epe_map.reshape(-1)[val]) epe_all = np.concatenate(epe_list) epe = np.mean(epe_all) return epe
[docs]def optical_flow_outliers(flow_pred: Sequence[np.ndarray], flow_gt: Sequence[np.ndarray], valid_gt: Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> float: """Calculate percentage of optical flow outliers for KITTI dataset. Args: flow_pred (list): output list of flow map from flow_estimator shape(H, W, 2). flow_gt (list): ground truth list of flow map shape(H, W, 2). valid_gt (list): the list of valid mask for ground truth with the shape (H, W). Returns: float: optical flow outliers for output. """ out_list = [] assert len(flow_pred) == len(flow_gt) == len(valid_gt) for _flow_pred, _flow_gt, _valid_gt in zip(flow_pred, flow_gt, valid_gt): epe_map = end_point_error_map(_flow_pred, _flow_gt) epe = epe_map.reshape(-1) mag_map = np.sqrt(np.sum(_flow_gt**2, axis=-1)) mag = mag_map.reshape(-1) + 1e-6 val = _valid_gt.reshape(-1) >= 0.5 # 3.0 and 0.05 is tooken from KITTI devkit # Inliers are defined as EPE < 3 pixels or < 5% out = ((epe > 3.0) & ((epe / mag) > 0.05)).astype(float) out_list.append(out[val]) out_list = np.concatenate(out_list) fl = 100 * np.mean(out_list) return fl
[docs]def eval_metrics( results: Sequence[np.ndarray], flow_gt: Sequence[np.ndarray], valid_gt: Sequence[np.ndarray], metrics: Union[Sequence[str], str] = ['EPE']) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Calculate evaluation metrics. Args: results (list): list of predictedflow maps. flow_gt (list): list of ground truth flow maps metrics (list, str): metrics to be evaluated. Defaults to ['EPE'], end-point error. Returns: dict: metrics and their values. """ if isinstance(metrics, str): metrics = [metrics] allowed_metrics = ['EPE', 'Fl'] if not set(metrics).issubset(set(allowed_metrics)): raise KeyError('metrics {} is not supported'.format(metrics)) ret_metrics = dict() if 'EPE' in metrics: ret_metrics['EPE'] = end_point_error(results, flow_gt, valid_gt) if 'Fl' in metrics: ret_metrics['Fl'] = optical_flow_outliers(results, flow_gt, valid_gt) return ret_metrics
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