
Source code for mmflow.core.evaluation.evaluation

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union

import mmcv
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmcv.parallel import MMDistributedDataParallel
from mmcv.runner import get_dist_info

from .metrics import eval_metrics

Module = torch.nn.Module
DataLoader =

[docs]def online_evaluation(model: Module, data_loader: DataLoader, metric: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'EPE', **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Evaluate model online. Args: model (nn.Module): The optical flow estimator model. data_loader (DataLoader): The test dataloader. metric (str, list): Metrics to be evaluated. Default: 'EPE'. kwargs (any): Evaluation arguments fed into the evaluate function of the dataset. Returns: dict: The evaluation result. """ if isinstance(model, MMDistributedDataParallel): return multi_gpu_online_evaluation(model, data_loader, metric=metric) else: return single_gpu_online_evaluation( model, data_loader, metric=metric, **kwargs)
[docs]def single_gpu_online_evaluation( model: Module, data_loader: DataLoader, metric: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'EPE') -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Evaluate model with single gpu online. This function will not save the flow. Namely, there do not exist any IO operations in this function. Thus, in general, `online` mode will achieve a faster evaluation. However, using this function, the `img_metas` must include the ground truth e.g. `flow_gt` or `flow_fw_gt` and `flow_bw_gt`. Args: model (nn.Module): The optical flow estimator model. data_loader (DataLoader): The test dataloader. metric(str, list): Metrics to be evaluated. Default: 'EPE'. Returns: dict: The evaluation result. """ model.eval() metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, (type, list)) else [metric] result_metrics = defaultdict(list) prog_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(data_loader)) for data in data_loader: with torch.no_grad(): batch_results = model(test_mode=True, **data) img_metas = data['img_metas'].data[0] batch_flow = [] batch_flow_gt = [] batch_valid = [] # a batch of result and a batch of img_metas for i in range(len(batch_results)): result = batch_results[i] img_meta = img_metas[i] # result.keys() is 'flow' or ['flow_fw','flow_bw'] # img_meta.keys() is 'flow_gt' or ['flow_fw_gt','flow_bw_gt'] for k in result.keys(): if img_meta.get(k + '_gt', None) is None: # img_meta does not have flow_bw_gt, so just check # the forward predicted. if k == 'flow_bw': continue elif k == 'flow_fw': batch_flow_gt.append(img_meta['flow_gt']) else: batch_flow_gt.append(img_meta[k + '_gt']) batch_flow.append(result[k]) batch_valid.append( img_meta.get('valid', np.ones_like(result[k][..., 0]))) batch_results_metrics = eval_metrics(batch_flow, batch_flow_gt, batch_valid, metrics) for i_metric in metrics: result_metrics[i_metric].append( batch_results_metrics[i_metric]) prog_bar.update() for i_metric in metrics: if result_metrics.get(i_metric) is None: raise KeyError(f'Model cannot compute {i_metric}') result_metrics[i_metric] = np.array(result_metrics[i_metric]).mean() return result_metrics
[docs]def multi_gpu_online_evaluation( model: Module, data_loader: DataLoader, metric: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'EPE', tmpdir: Optional[str] = None, gpu_collect: bool = False) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Evaluate model with multiple gpus online. This function will not save the flow. Namely, there do not exist any IO operations in this function. Thus, in general, `online` mode will achieve a faster evaluation. However, using this function, the `img_metas` must include the ground truth e.g. `flow_gt` or `flow_fw_gt` and `flow_bw_gt`. Args: model (nn.Module): The optical flow estimator model. data_loader (DataLoader): The test dataloader. metric(str, list): Metrics to be evaluated. Default: 'EPE'. tmpdir (str): Path of directory to save the temporary results from different gpus under cpu mode. gpu_collect (bool): Option to use either gpu or cpu to collect results. Returns: dict: The evaluation result. """ model.eval() metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, (type, list)) else [metric] result_metrics = [] dataset = data_loader.dataset rank, world_size = get_dist_info() if rank == 0: prog_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(dataset)) for data in data_loader: with torch.no_grad(): batch_results = model(test_mode=True, **data) # data['img_metas'] is Datacontainer img_metas = data['img_metas'].data[0] batch_flow = [] batch_flow_gt = [] batch_valid = [] # a batch of result and a batch of img_metas for i in range(len(batch_results)): result = batch_results[i] img_meta = img_metas[i] # result.keys() is 'flow' or ['flow_fw','flow_bw'] # img_meta.keys() is 'flow_gt' or ['flow_fw_gt','flow_bw_gt'] for k in result.keys(): if img_meta.get(k + '_gt', None) is None: # img_meta does not have flow_bw_gt, so just check # the forward predicted. if k == 'flow_bw': continue elif k == 'flow_fw': batch_flow_gt.append(img_meta['flow_gt']) else: batch_flow_gt.append(img_meta[k + '_gt']) batch_flow.append(result[k]) batch_valid.append( img_meta.get('valid', np.ones_like(result[k][..., 0]))) batch_results_metrics = eval_metrics(batch_flow, batch_flow_gt, batch_valid, metrics) # result_metrics is different from result_metrics in # `single_gpu_online_evaluation` # result_metrics is Sequence[Dict[str,ndarray]] result_metrics.append(batch_results_metrics) if rank == 0: batch_size = len(batch_results) for _ in range(batch_size * world_size): prog_bar.update() # collect results from all ranks from mmflow.apis.test import collect_results_cpu, collect_results_gpu if gpu_collect: result_metrics = collect_results_gpu(result_metrics, len(dataset)) else: result_metrics = collect_results_cpu(result_metrics, len(dataset), tmpdir) rank, world_size = get_dist_info() if rank == 0: sys.stdout.write('\n') # result_metrics_ is final result of evaluation with type # dict(metric_name=metric) result_metrics_ = dict() for sample_result_metrics in result_metrics: for k in sample_result_metrics.keys(): if result_metrics_.get(k, None) is None: result_metrics_[k] = sample_result_metrics[k] / len( result_metrics) else: result_metrics_[k] += sample_result_metrics[k] / len( result_metrics) return result_metrics_
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