
Source code for mmflow.datasets.flyingchairsocc

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os.path as osp

import numpy as np

from .base_dataset import BaseDataset
from .builder import DATASETS

    5, 17, 42, 45, 58, 62, 96, 111, 117, 120, 121, 131, 132, 152, 160, 248,
    263, 264, 291, 293, 295, 299, 316, 320, 336, 337, 343, 358, 399, 401, 429,
    438, 468, 476, 494, 509, 528, 531, 572, 581, 583, 588, 593, 681, 688, 696,
    714, 767, 786, 810, 825, 836, 841, 883, 917, 937, 942, 970, 974, 980, 1016,
    1043, 1064, 1118, 1121, 1133, 1153, 1155, 1158, 1159, 1173, 1187, 1219,
    1237, 1238, 1259, 1266, 1278, 1296, 1354, 1378, 1387, 1494, 1508, 1518,
    1574, 1601, 1614, 1668, 1673, 1699, 1712, 1714, 1737, 1841, 1872, 1879,
    1901, 1921, 1934, 1961, 1967, 1978, 2018, 2030, 2039, 2043, 2061, 2113,
    2204, 2216, 2236, 2250, 2274, 2292, 2310, 2342, 2359, 2374, 2382, 2399,
    2415, 2419, 2483, 2502, 2504, 2576, 2589, 2590, 2622, 2624, 2636, 2651,
    2655, 2658, 2659, 2664, 2672, 2706, 2707, 2709, 2725, 2732, 2761, 2827,
    2864, 2866, 2905, 2922, 2929, 2966, 2972, 2993, 3010, 3025, 3031, 3040,
    3041, 3070, 3113, 3124, 3129, 3137, 3141, 3157, 3183, 3206, 3219, 3247,
    3253, 3272, 3276, 3321, 3328, 3333, 3338, 3341, 3346, 3351, 3396, 3419,
    3430, 3433, 3448, 3455, 3463, 3503, 3526, 3529, 3537, 3555, 3577, 3584,
    3591, 3594, 3597, 3603, 3613, 3615, 3670, 3676, 3678, 3697, 3723, 3728,
    3734, 3745, 3750, 3752, 3779, 3782, 3813, 3817, 3819, 3854, 3885, 3944,
    3947, 3970, 3985, 4011, 4022, 4071, 4075, 4132, 4158, 4167, 4190, 4194,
    4207, 4246, 4249, 4298, 4307, 4317, 4318, 4319, 4320, 4382, 4399, 4401,
    4407, 4416, 4423, 4484, 4491, 4493, 4517, 4525, 4538, 4578, 4606, 4609,
    4620, 4623, 4637, 4646, 4662, 4668, 4716, 4739, 4747, 4770, 4774, 4776,
    4785, 4800, 4845, 4863, 4891, 4904, 4922, 4925, 4956, 4963, 4964, 4994,
    5011, 5019, 5036, 5038, 5041, 5055, 5118, 5122, 5130, 5162, 5164, 5178,
    5196, 5227, 5266, 5270, 5273, 5279, 5299, 5310, 5314, 5363, 5375, 5384,
    5393, 5414, 5417, 5433, 5448, 5494, 5505, 5509, 5525, 5566, 5581, 5602,
    5609, 5620, 5653, 5670, 5678, 5690, 5700, 5703, 5724, 5752, 5765, 5803,
    5811, 5860, 5881, 5895, 5912, 5915, 5940, 5952, 5966, 5977, 5988, 6007,
    6037, 6061, 6069, 6080, 6111, 6127, 6146, 6161, 6166, 6168, 6178, 6182,
    6190, 6220, 6235, 6253, 6270, 6343, 6372, 6379, 6410, 6411, 6442, 6453,
    6481, 6498, 6500, 6509, 6532, 6541, 6543, 6560, 6576, 6580, 6594, 6595,
    6609, 6625, 6629, 6644, 6658, 6673, 6680, 6698, 6699, 6702, 6705, 6741,
    6759, 6785, 6792, 6794, 6809, 6810, 6830, 6838, 6869, 6871, 6889, 6925,
    6995, 7003, 7026, 7029, 7080, 7082, 7097, 7102, 7116, 7165, 7200, 7232,
    7271, 7282, 7324, 7333, 7335, 7372, 7387, 7407, 7472, 7474, 7482, 7489,
    7499, 7516, 7533, 7536, 7566, 7620, 7654, 7691, 7704, 7722, 7746, 7750,
    7773, 7806, 7821, 7827, 7851, 7873, 7880, 7884, 7904, 7912, 7948, 7964,
    7965, 7984, 7989, 7992, 8035, 8050, 8074, 8091, 8094, 8113, 8116, 8151,
    8159, 8171, 8179, 8194, 8195, 8239, 8263, 8290, 8295, 8312, 8367, 8374,
    8387, 8407, 8437, 8439, 8518, 8556, 8588, 8597, 8601, 8651, 8657, 8723,
    8759, 8763, 8785, 8802, 8813, 8826, 8854, 8856, 8866, 8918, 8922, 8923,
    8932, 8958, 8967, 9003, 9018, 9078, 9095, 9104, 9112, 9129, 9147, 9170,
    9171, 9197, 9200, 9249, 9253, 9270, 9282, 9288, 9295, 9321, 9323, 9324,
    9347, 9399, 9403, 9417, 9426, 9427, 9439, 9468, 9486, 9496, 9511, 9516,
    9518, 9529, 9557, 9563, 9564, 9584, 9586, 9591, 9599, 9600, 9601, 9632,
    9654, 9667, 9678, 9696, 9716, 9723, 9740, 9820, 9824, 9825, 9828, 9863,
    9866, 9868, 9889, 9929, 9938, 9953, 9967, 10019, 10020, 10025, 10059,
    10111, 10118, 10125, 10174, 10194, 10201, 10202, 10220, 10221, 10226,
    10242, 10250, 10276, 10295, 10302, 10305, 10327, 10351, 10360, 10369,
    10393, 10407, 10438, 10455, 10463, 10465, 10470, 10478, 10503, 10508,
    10509, 10809, 11080, 11331, 11607, 11610, 11864, 12390, 12393, 12396,
    12399, 12671, 12921, 12930, 13178, 13453, 13717, 14499, 14517, 14775,
    15297, 15556, 15834, 15839, 16126, 16127, 16386, 16633, 16644, 16651,
    17166, 17169, 17958, 17959, 17962, 18224, 21176, 21180, 21190, 21802,
    21803, 21806, 22584, 22857, 22858, 22866

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class FlyingChairsOcc(BaseDataset): """FlyingChairsOcc dataset.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.split = np.ones(DATASET_SIZE) self.split[VALIDATE_INDICES] = 2 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_img_info(self, img1_filename, img2_filename): """Load information of image1 and image2. Args: img1_filename (list): ordered list of abstract file path of img1. img2_filename (list): ordered list of abstract file path of img2. """ num_file = len(img1_filename) for i in range(num_file): if (not self.test_mode and self.split[i] == 1) or (self.test_mode and self.split[i] == 2): data_info = dict( img_info=dict( filename1=img1_filename[i], filename2=img2_filename[i]), ann_info=dict()) self.data_infos.append(data_info)
[docs] def load_ann_info(self, filename, filename_key): """Load information of optical flow. This function splits the dataset into two subsets, training subset and testing subset. Args: filename (list): ordered list of abstract file path of annotation. filename_key (str): the annotation key for FlyingChairsOcc dataset 'flow_fw', 'flow_bw', 'occ_fw', and 'occ_bw'. """ num_files = len(filename) count = 0 for i in range(num_files): if (not self.test_mode and self.split[i] == 1) \ or (self.test_mode and self.split[i] == 2): self.data_infos[count]['ann_info'][filename_key] = filename[i] count += 1
[docs] def load_data_info(self): """Load data information, including file path of image1, image2 and optical flow.""" # unpack FlyingChairsOcc directly, will see `data` subdirctory. self.img1_dir = osp.join(self.data_root, 'data') self.img2_dir = osp.join(self.data_root, 'data') self.flow_dir = osp.join(self.data_root, 'data') self.occ_dir = osp.join(self.data_root, 'data') # data in FlyingChairsOcc dataset has specific suffix self.img1_suffix = '_img1.png' self.img2_suffix = '_img2.png' self.flow_fw_suffix = '_flow.flo' self.flow_bw_suffix = '_flow_b.flo' self.occ_fw_suffix = '_occ1.png' self.occ_bw_suffix = '_occ2.png' img1_filenames = self.get_data_filename(self.img1_dir, self.img1_suffix) img2_filenames = self.get_data_filename(self.img2_dir, self.img2_suffix) flow_fw_filenames = self.get_data_filename(self.flow_dir, self.flow_fw_suffix) flow_bw_filenames = self.get_data_filename(self.flow_dir, self.flow_bw_suffix) occ_fw_filenames = self.get_data_filename(self.occ_dir, self.occ_fw_suffix) occ_bw_filenames = self.get_data_filename(self.occ_dir, self.occ_bw_suffix) assert len(img1_filenames) == len(img2_filenames) == len( flow_fw_filenames) == len(flow_bw_filenames) == len( occ_fw_filenames) == len(occ_bw_filenames) self.load_img_info(img1_filenames, img2_filenames) self.load_ann_info(flow_fw_filenames, 'filename_flow_fw') self.load_ann_info(flow_bw_filenames, 'filename_flow_bw') self.load_ann_info(occ_fw_filenames, 'filename_occ_fw') self.load_ann_info(occ_bw_filenames, 'filename_occ_bw')
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